Contributed by David Sellars
Country: Austria
Location: Mallnitz
Round trip: 10 km
Start elevation: 1650 m
Final Elevation: 2448 m
Map: Kompass Mallnitz Obervellach Map #49 Scale 1:50,000
From Mallnitz drive west into the National Park Hohe Tauern. The road ends at a parking lot just below the Jamnighutte
Saxifraga oppositifolia rudolphiana
Campanula barbata
Androsace obtusifolia
Primula glutinosa
Saponaria pumilio
Saxifraga caesia
Rhododendron ferrugineum
Gentiana acaulis
Soldanella alpina
Pulsatilla vernalis
Lilium martagon
Primula minima
Thalictrum aquilegifolium
Phyteuma hemisphaericum
Clematis alpina
Salix retusa
Pulsatilla alba
Lotus alpina
Trollius europaeus
Saxifraga paniculata

The Mallnitzer Tauern is an an area close to the village of Mallnitz well known locally for the variety and abundance of beautiful alpine plants.
From the parking lot, a wide track leads up through woodland to an open basin at about 1800 m. Rhododendron ferrugineum clings to the boulders and the meadows contain a wide variety of plants including Campanula barbata and Phyteuma hemisphaericum. The track winds up the ridge to the right and at about 2000 m Trollius europaeus grows in the meadows together with Dianthus alpinus and Androsace obtusifolia. Inspection of the weathered boulders reveals Saxifraga paniculata, Saxifraga caesia and Lotus alpina.
The trail continues to the Hagener Hutte on the top of a ridge at 2448 m. Saxifraga oppositifolia rudolphiana, a rare plant with very small leaves and a dense mat can be found amongst the rocks. The deep blue Primula glutinosa and bright pink Primula minima are common at this elevation.
There are other paths leading from the Hagener Hutte but the easiest way back is to return via the ascent route. However, at about 1750 m where the track crosses a stream, a narrow path can be followed up and across a small bouldery ridge to a steep moist meadow. Saponaria pumilio and Clematis alpinacan be seen on this route. Lilium martagon and Thalictrum aquilegifolium grace the meadow and the path can be followed down through the trees to the parking lot.
Photos taken late June - early July.
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