Contributed by Dave Dobak
Country: United States
Location: Ruby Mountains, Nevada
Round trip: 7 km
Start elevation: 3050 m
Final Elevation: 3350 m
Maps: Humboldt National Forest recreation map of “Ruby Mountains and East Humboldt Wildernesses”
Drive Highway 227 and Lamoille Canyon Road, south of Elko, NV, to the trailhead. Approximately 30 miles, paved.
Linanthastrum nuttallii
Aconitum columbianum
Calochortus eurycarpus
Helianthella quinquenervis
Aquilegia formosa
Lewisia triphylla
Ranunculus eschscholtzii
Primula parryi
Oxyria digyna
Sedum roseum
Vaccinium caespitosum
Erysimum asperum
Arenaria fendleri
Dasiphora (Potentilla fruticosus) floribunda
Cymopterus nivalis
Geum rossii
Valeriana acutiloba
Primula parryi
Boykinia heucheriformis
Erigeron watsonii
Physaria chambersii
Cymopterus nivalis
Shepherdia canadensis
Astragalus kentrophyta
Eriogonum kingii
Smelowskia calycina
Silene acaulis
Frasera speciosa
Penstemon sp.
Draba sp.

The trail passes through a variety of meadow, forest, and rocky habitats. In the wet meadows and forests near the trailhead we found Aconitum columbianum, Calochortus eurycarpus, Helianthella quinquenervis, Aquilegia formosa, Lewisia triphylla, and Ranunculus eschscholtzii. About the first of August, Primula parryi was flowering abundantly in two locations, one rockpile and one streambed.
Above Lamoille Lake, the trail ascends more steeply on open, rocky hillsides. Boykinia heucheriformis is found here, along with the buffalo berry, Shepherdia canadensis. Approaching Liberty Pass, the alpine cushion plants make their appearance: Astragalus kentrophyta, Eriogonum kingii, Smelowskia calycina, and Silene acaulis. The pass itself is a broad saddle; a fine place for lunch overlooking Liberty Lake to the south
For a detailed trail description with scenic photos, visit rubymountains.net .
“Montane Islands in a Desert Sea” by Theodore Cochrane in Rock Garden Quarterly, Spring 2002, 60:1.
Hiker’s Guide – Trails in the Elko Area, and Ruby Mountains Visitor Guide, both by Larry Hyslop
(grayjaypress.com/hiking.htm) .
Ruby Mountain Flora, by Steve Anderson et. al. (www.museum-elko.us), a popular wildflower guide, is somewhat useful
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