Contributed by David Sellars
Country: Spain
Location: Val de Nuria
Round trip: 8 km
Start elevation: 1967 m
Final Elevation: 2799 m
Maps: 1:50,000 Vall de Camprodon, Vall de Ribes Editorial Alpina
Cremallera de Nuria, a rack railway, runs from Ribes de Fraser to the Santuari de Nuria. The railway can be accessed at the Queralbs station where there is a good parking lot. It is not recommended to purchase the additional chairlift ticket as it does not provide useful access.
Ranaunculus parnassifolius
Myosotis alpina
Gentiana pyrenaica
Gentiana verna
Ranunculus pyrenaeus
Linaria alpina
Primula integrifolia
Androsace laggeri
Gentiana alpina
Erigeron uniflorus
Alyssum serpyllifolium
Hutchinsia alpina
Androsace vitaliana
Papaver alpina
Soldanella alpina
Senecio leucophyllus
Silene acaulis
Iberis spathulata
Aconitum variegatum

From the Santuary in Val de Nuria head north-east on a wooded track towards the Coma de les Molleres. The head of the valley is called the Coma de Noucreus on the map and Ranunculus parnassifolius can be found here on fine-grained moist scree slopes. The trail ascends scree at the head of the valley with good plants growing in the stony slope including fine compact forms of Alyssum serpyllifolium, nice shades of Papaver alpina and exquisite Iberis spathulata. The ridge crest is gained at the Coll de Noucreus and it is worth exploring the easy surrounding terrain. Then head west to the easy summit of Pic de Noucreus passing rock gardens with very colourful Linaria alpina and Erigeron uniflorus.
After enjoying the views descend a rocky slope to the northwest towards the Coll de Noufonts. In this northeast facing slope we found the finest forms of Ranunculus parnassifolius together with yellow Androsace vitaliana and pure white Hutchinsia alpina. Those with lots of energy could continue over Pic de Noufonts but we descended the delightful valley of Coma de Noufonts rejoining the ascent route about a kilometre from the Sanctuary.
VIDEO of Flora of Nuria is HERE
The photos were taken on June 26, 2015
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