Contributed by David Sellars
Country: Canada
Location: Jasper National Park
Round trip: 8-12 km
Start elevation: 2040 m
Final Elevation: 2500 m
Maps: 1:50,000 series 83C/3
On the Icefields Parkway drive to the Wilcox Creek campground 2.8 km south of the Icefield Centre. The trailhead parking area is on the north side of the campground access road.
Saxifraga oppositifolia
Myosotis alpestris
Dryas octopetala
Anenome parviflora
Gentianella propinqua
Gentiana prostrasta
Potentilla nivea
Erigeron aureus
Erigeron compositus

Most of this hike is above the treeline with spectacular views of the Athabasca glacier and Mount Athabasca. Starting near the Wilcox Creek campground the trail climbs through mature subalpine forest and quickly emerges onto a ridge overlooking the Icefields Centre. Look for Gentianella propinqua and Gentiana prostrata beside the trail.
The trial turns to the north east over alpine meadows and crosses the broad Wilcox Pass at 2375 m. To the west, the ridge of Mount Wilcox sweeps down to the pass and the outcrops and meadows on the ridge have extensive mountain flower communities. You can wander west and southwest across the rocks and meadows to the ridge crest overlooking the Athabasca Glacier. Saxifraga oppositifolia was growing in crevices in many outcrops and boulders and was just starting to flower on July 19, 2006.
The photos were taken on July 19, 2006
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